Rough African Garnet(Red)

African Garnet, mostly bright red with a few orange reds and reds with a hint of tan. Average weight is about 1.2 grams. Bought a number of years ago. Sold a sample to a cutter/wholesale gemstone dealer who has faceted it and sells it as Chrome; he has been getting $90/ct wholesale for it. In seeking to determine if this is Chrome or not, I have asked a local GIA Grad who does appraisals and has a gem lab which includes a spectrometer, as to whether a Chelsea Filter could be used to determine Cr content in a "red" gem. Have also checked with the GIA library and they sent some articles and information on using the Chelsea Filter with a red gemstone. It seems that red gemstones under a Chelsea Filter will be a dark or brown red if there is no Cr. If there is Cr, the color will be a bright red when viewed through the filter. This rough, when lit from the side or from behind using fiber optics and then viewed with the Chelsea, shows a bright ruby red. Whether it is true Cr containing garnet or not, the red is very nice, glows and a dealer has been selling it for $90/ct - so, like many other gemstones out there, the color and not necessarily the elemental content or location should be the reason why one makes a purchase.

Photos of gems produced from this parcel:

faceted red garnet from ATG rough
faceted red garnet from ATG rough
faceted red garnet from ATG rough
faceted red garnet from ATG rough

Parcels below are blind scoops, attempting to obtain about 10 or so grams per parcel. More of the material is available if people want to try this material and the parcels below are sold out. Rough was photographed under office fluorescent lights. Like Ruby, this material needs incandescent light to 'pop'.

red garnet rough
10 pieces totalling 11.65grams: $248

red garnet rough
11 pieces totaling 13.56grams: $286

View Other Available Rough

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