Gemstones - Garnet

1+ct lively bright green tsavorite
Very Lively Bright Green 1.13ct Square Cushion Tsavorite Garnet. (awa-23-02) $1,525
color shifting umbalite garnet
This unique garnet was faceted by the ownner of All That Glitters some time ago. This is the largest faceted gem to come from a parcel of rough Umbalite Garnet from Tanzanite - the parcel was purchased by All That Glitters a few years back, but it was purchased in the Tanzanite bush a few decades ago. Sizes in the past have been about 3-4cts, so this 6.46ct gem is not the norm. Nor is this gem material the norm in general - as depending on the lights, it will be a Ruby Red, Magenta or Burgundy in color. It is a darker gem but it certainly sparkles under incandescent where you will see the Ruby Red; diffused daylight shows Magenta and under fluorescent lights it is Burgundy and it has a unique property in that under fluorescent lights, it is a dark burgundy, but unlike incandescent or diffused daylight, it lacks the brilliance. We have seen this in some Burmese Spinel as well as Red Zircon - under some lights it doesn't sparkle and the color is non-descript, but under incandescent light, it shows lots of life and was a Ruby-like color. For the price of one gemstone, one will have a gemstone that looks like 3 different gemstones depending on the lights/wavelengths. We have sold a number of small pieces in the past, including to International Customers, and a few have faceted a few gems from our rough - the latest cutter wanted more of the material after seeing for himself the colors and unique properties. (He is available to discuss this material if interested) In Tucson 2023, we saw a 4ct similarly colored garnet (do not know if the color shifted or not) and that was priced at $150/ct wholesale, which is our price to our customers also - that piece seen in Tucson was not faceted in the United States either. As you can see from the photos, the polish is such a mirror finish (100k Diamond was used) that the tweezers are mirrored off the facets of this gem! This particular garnet parcel is very difficult to photograph and obtain accurate color rendition, so we had to modify the photos, but it gives you an idea of the red and magenta color - but it certainly does glow red under the right lights. As always, you have our Satifaction Guarantee if this particular gemstone is not to your liking for any reason. (We have a few more pieces of this material, also faceted in-house, but an accurate photo has been difficult to obtain and haven't posted the material on our website - though we have shown and sold to goldsmiths/jewelers in person.) (eagt-18b-01c) $969
grape or purple garnet
Grape or Purple Garnet from the famous Mozambique Locality - a rather large one as this desposit hasn't been producing and when seen, they are usually small gems. This fine oval weights 2.89cts and is only $600/ct. The trade price at the Tucson Show is showing high prices for this material, and several years ago, similar material in New York City was retailing at about $1,000/ct. (ik-23-08) $1,734
mahenge garnet
Mahenge Garnet (1.19ct), purplish pink, in an intersting parallelogram or diamond shape, giving a few possibilities on how to set. Faceted in the U.S. (ag-19-01nr) $130 including Full Insurance/Shipping via USPS Priority!
spear shaped african garnet
4.17ct U.S. Faceted African Garnet in a long spear shape. Color varies depending on the lights, but mostly a reddish rose. Due to the facet arrange in the pavilion and what is expected in an elongated shape, the gemstone shows off its brilliance as it is tipped with the brilliance going up and down the gemstone. (vyg-19-01a) $834
U.S. faceted mint merelani garnet, 6.93ct
U.S. faceted mint merelani garnet, 6.93ct
Very large 6.93ct Neony Green Grossular Garnet, faceted in the U.S. from All That Glitters rough, by one of our talented and wonderful cutters. Bright lively gem with hints of dispersion. As expected in this size, there are some small inclusions that can be seen with a loupe, but a plus to indicate natural origin as this large size is not often seen and anything indicating natural crystal growth will be a help in identification. Has a 'glow' which is unexpected for this Garnet Group. Though this comes from the same area as Mint Merelani Garnet (Grossular), a relative of Tsavorite, the brightness and glow is very unlike the typical Mint Merelani as that more common material doesn't necessarily glow like this does. The Garnet Group is very complex and perhaps this has a larger percentage of some element - or perhaps this could even be a new type of Garnet or oddity. This was a difficult gemstone to photograph and to obtain an accurate color. On our laptop monitor, we have an accurate color; with so many devices now displaying images, accurate color is a problem since screens are not calibrated. The photos do not do this gemstone justice as the color is not exactly accurate - there is very little one can do if the photo or video just doesn't show that "pop" that one sees in person. The video color is certainly not close to the color the eye sees - and the true brilliance/sparkle as well as dispersion is not captured, but it goes give an idea of what the gem looks like to some extent. In 2020, we saw a 1.6+ct round, without the glowing green this gem has, and the retail on it was approximately $2500/ct. The 2023 Tucson Trade (Wholelsale) Prices for smaller gemstones of this species, are much higher as well as other fine quality colored gemstones in general However, they are that very light Pastel Mint and not this vivid glowing color - the wholesale price for small material is being seen at over $1500/ct. With this being such a large example of this gemstone species, you will be surprised at our low pricing of only $2,200/ct! Ideally, we would like to increase the price of this as we cannot replace this size, color, cutting, etc. at our current price. (vyg-19-03) $15,246
color change garnet - green color change garnet - sage green
color change garnet - reddish bronze color change garnet - purple
This unique large GIA Certed 2.51ct well cut color changing garnet hails from Madagascar. The color range varies depending on the light source and wavelengths found in those lights. We have viewed the piece under incandsccent, fluorescent, white/yellow LED as well as natural and some jewelry store lights and the colors are across the board. It really has some unique colors/flashes when there is more than one light source. The photos here show it being a really nice green, a sage green, a reddish bronze as well as a purplish color. We can see this in a ring surrounded with white diamonds and with more than one light source, the colors displayed will dazzle the viewer and of course, we don't believe that the public or even those with gemological knowledge would immediately know what species of natural gemstone this would belong too! GIA has determined this garnet to fall into the Pyrope-Spessartine Garnet Group, with a color change they described as Green to Pinkish-Purple. It really changes and varies quite a bit depending on the lights/wavelengths available, with an incredible green being seen under a small LED light that is in the All That Glitters office. (mfg-19-02) $10,000
View Cert
large US faceted Umbalite garnet
Large U.S. Faceted Umbalite Garnet weighing 12.63ct. Color is red to magenta and is faceted in a fancy cushion shape. Difficult to obtain an accurate true color rendition. A 7+ct Umbalite from a well known West Coast business was selling at $1000/ct a few years back. This is priced at only $600/ct! (vyg-18-01a) $7,578
deep red rhodolite oval
An Umbalite Garnet Oval weighing 5.69cts and originating from Tariri, Tanzania - similar to a few other pieces shown on this page and has 3 distinct colors. This one shows the Ruby Red under incandescent; you can also expect to see a burgundy wine as well as a pretty magenta. Faceted by one of the U.S. cutters working with All That Glitters. Photo is not accurate in color - reds are very difficult to reproduce in photos. (eagt-18b-01a) $569
color shifting mahenge garnet, US faceted
Oval Color Shifting Mahenge Garnet weighing 4.27cts, Oval. In diffused daylight, it is a deep rose, and under various other lights, can look more salmony taking on more orange. Faceted in the U.S. $2,135 (ctmc-17a-01c)
orangy mahenge garnet, US faceted
5.72ct Orangy Mahenge Garnet, Square Cushion, U.S. Faceted - some inclusions (very small pinpoints which might turn out to be platelets, which have been seen in similary colored Garnets in Africa/Madagascar, including the Imperial Malaia Garnet that the owner of All That Glitters named and submitted to the Gemological Institute of America (GIA) for study - appearing in Gems and Gemology Magazine) but not noticeable to the naked eye due to the incredible sparkle, polish and brilliance! The orange Mahenge is not common, nor is this size. Would describe the color as orangy, perhaps smoky orange under fluorescent light, but more pink under incandescent light - so some color shifting will be seen, which is another interesting feature of this gemstones! $3,718 (ctmc-17a-01b)
large mahenge garnet, US faceted
Large Beautiful Magenta 8.59ct Square Cushion Mahenge Great - huge for this material! Color is gorgeous and could also be described as a reddish purple going to a reddish pink depending on lighting. U.S. Faceted. $6,872 (ctmc-17a-01a)
US faceted 12+ct Umbalite Garnet
A Wonderfully Fine Colored Large Umbalite Garnet, facetd in the US by one of our cutters. Weighs 12.68cts and has the color expected of an Umbalite, which some call the King of Rhodolites. The color varies from Burgandy, Maroon, Purple and Magenta depending on the lights being used. The color change is very similar to a 7+ct Umbalite we have seen from an exclusive company on the West Coast. Their retail price was $1,100/ct. We posted the photo of this Umbalite on Facebook to share it prior to publication here, and one person in the know thought that the price of this large 12+ct gem would be in the $20,000 range. Thus is the reality today in pricing, where the new find of purple garnet is selling at about $450/ct (wholesale in Tucson 2016). Though our Umbalite is almost twice the size of the 7 ct piece, we are offering it at what we feel is a fair price based on the cost of rough, cutting, beauty, cutting, color, etc. and for the time being, only $550/ct or $6,974. As the size for rare gems increase, the price per carat also goes up, sometimes expotentially. Again, our pricing is based differently, allowing unexpectedly low pricing on most of our gemstones. (then-16-03)
large rose red or salmon garnet
Very attractive salmon or rose-red large 9.16ct Garnet, possibly a Rhodolite. Current price is what one typically sees as the initial wholesale price in Sri Lanka for a garnet of this color and size - so quite the buy! (egaj-15-01) $2,748
green grossular garnet - glows pink under UV light
green grossular garnet - under UV light
2.40ct Very Lively Green Grossular Garnet from Africa with a high polish. It glows PINK under Ultraviolet light. A new find from Africa! (kjcl-15a-07) $3,900
deep red garnet
3.05ct Deep Red Garnet from India, nice sparkle. Appears dark in the photo, but not nearly as dark as in the photo. Incandescent light should give it a more rich red color. Decades old. $210
oval garnet
2.21ct Oval Garnet from India. Poor photo. Couldn't capture the color or life. A darker gem, with what could be called a rose color. Gem is much nicer in person. $150
new garnet from madagascar
Another new variety of garnet from Madagascar and this might be the first to be shown online. A smaller less saturated gem was photographed by GIA for most likely Gems and Gemology back in early February 2014. The material will not be very large with most being about 1ct or under, and 2 plus carat pieces very far and few between and therefore sought after. Of the 4 pieces that were available, this was the largest, cleanest, most well faceted and the best color. This monster weighs in at 2.27ct. This material will color shift like many other garnets (as does Tourmaline, Sapphire, Spinel and many other gemstones). (xgxc-14a-01) $1,703
ruby red garnet red garent
A - Ruby Red Garnet Matched Pair, 6mm round, approx 2.50cts total weight (then-05-01ap) $250
(We have large pairs or single rounds, as well as matched ovals and single ovals available - contact us for more info.)
Rounds include: 6.5mm, 7mm(pairs available), 7.5mm, 8mm(pairs available), 8.5mm, 9mm(pairs available)
B - Deep Ruby Red Garnet approximately 16x12mm Oval, German Cut (hv-05-04p) $750
(We have a total of 4 pieces available, all about 16x12 and weigh about 10cts each!)
Note that the saturation on these African Ruby Red Garnets is dark. From a few feet away, they may look almost black, but under incandescent light, they sparkle and appear to be Ruby, with that rich red. They react the same way as Ruby does - they look better under incandescent light; these garnets probably contain Chromium just like Ruby. We have seen similar Red Spinel from Burma - some are just too dark in any light, but some may appear dark but pop under incandescent lights. The photos above have been enhanced in an attempt to show the color. Some of the most difficult colors and their associated depth or saturation of color, have been in the red and these include Garnets, Spinel, Ruby and even Alexandrite. The photos/camera cannot capture what the human eye actually sees.
An Unheard of Rarity - 2.71ct Bicolor Demantoid Garnet
demantoid bicolor, andradite bicolor demantoid bicolor, andradite bicolor
demantoid bicolor, andradite bicolor
This is certainly a one of a kind piece and has been certed as a Demantoid - how often does one see a bicolor in Demantoid Garnet? A few small inclusions as one can see, but doesn't affect the rarity and uniqueness of this particular gem! The GIA Cert has a decent photo of this gem in the cert below. This One-Of-A-Kind piece was discussed at length in the GIA GemLab among the 3 who work there. They all agreed that it was an Andradite, but the Species was not listed as Demantoid because Demantoid is green; the other half is a reddish and that would not be called Demantoid. In a telephone conversation between the Manager of the GemLab Identification Services and the owner of All That Glitters, (Mr. Brown), Mr. Brown was told that they thought it very unique and something that they really hadn't seen before. The manager also stated that they do not print anything like "rare", "one of a kind" , "unique", etc. on certs, even though that might be the case. He was nice enough to indicate to Mr. Brown, that he would be more than welcome to discuss this 'unique' piece with a potential customer. Contact us for more details! (btgem-11-03)
View GIA Cert View Original Cert
This gemstone was unique enough to capture the attention outside of the U.S. and now appears online in the following article:
pyrope spessartite garnet
3.59ct Yellowish Pyrope-Spessartine Garnet. The color is a yellow with a hint of orange. The color did not photograph well and is too golden in this photo. However, it is a unique color, lively, well cut, clean gem! This would most likely classify as a variety of Malaia Garnet, but with a very distinctly unusual color... (egaj-11-54) $1,077
View Cert
dusty pink garnet
6.62ct Oval Garnet, dusty rose with red/purple highlights (kaek-06-52) $1,324
Update on Purple Garnet 2011 - We saw very little of this material, even less so than last year. We were shocked to see the wholesale prices of the few that we did see. For sizes less than what you will see below, they wanted $400/ct; a small pair was priced at $800. After realizing that there are new players in the world market for gemstones, this no longer surprised us. Prices are up on all the finer gem material and one-of-a-kind pieces. Even Burmese Rubies similar to what we have in inventory, were selling for about 50% to 350% more than our price. We did manage to find a few pieces of old inventory within two of our associates we have done business with before. They are nicely priced and you will see them below. We hate to see any of these sell because of rarity and replacement anywhere near what we are asking. Comments from customer purchasing the largest Purple Garnet we purchased last year (or have seen!): I just received my Purple Garnet the other day,and it is a knockout! It is truly a very impressive stone. Beautiful color,large size,a real treasure to behold. This is my first order with Allen,and i am very impressed. Not only with the stone. Allen is more than just a professional in his trade. He is a real pleasure to talk to. A real down to earth guy. And very helpful too. If you are thinking about ordering from Allen,i highly recommend that you do. You will not be disappointed! Thanks again! JF (02/16/11)
Purple Garnet Info from 2010 - Grape Juice Colored Garnet - We had seen ONE piece of rough in (2009) that would cut an Amethyst colored Garnet. We were very impressed with the color and saddened that we had not purchased the rough before someone else did. Though our knowledge in the gem trade is extensive, there are others who sometimes find these uncommon pieces before we do. We were fortunate to find a few fine faceted specimens of this unique garnet color and caefully select among those available to offer the several pieces shown below. This is a color that we have not seen previously with many years in the gemstone trade, so as is our goal, we had to have this rare and unique color in our inventory. Sometimes smaller material is seen, but nothing in such a large, well cut, glowing purple color as this. (We are currently offering this under the price per carat that the cutter mentioned above sold his at - and his finished gemstone was smaller than many of the pieces photographed below.) We also contacted GIA about this material, and our contact there had the following to say - "The purple garnet is particularly interesting" . Before publishing an article on the material, they wanted to see a larger quantity of this material on the market and specifically learn of the location, production and mining first. As the owner of All That Glitters then emailed back - should there be quantity, it would cease to be of interest to us. We wouldn't expect this to be a large find of this unusual color. It is anticipated that one may see a few pieces here and there. The price could sky rocket at any time if this is all that is out there. Our intriquing Purple Garnets were found in Tanzania and are believed to be Rhodolite from what we were told.. As was stated to GIA by All That Glitters, this is something that has to be studied because the garnet groups are very complex and many may contain elements of more than one particular garnet group.
mozambique purple garnet mozambique purple garnet
A - 3.09ct Purple Garnet (vlcl-11-01) Approx 9.0x7.8x5.2mm $1,236
B - 3.76ct Purple Garnet (vlcl-11-03) Approx 10.1x7.9x5.0mm $1,500
Have re-examined these and a color shift/change can be observed. Lights and wavelength are everything in color. In diffused daylight, we see a marvelous magenta color with some grape highlights. With incandescent, it is still magenta but leaning to more reddish magenta. Under our Brinkman fluorescent light (this device has both an incandescent light and fluorescent light that we use for color changing gems, as it really will show off Alexandrite at the best possibly color change for an individual gem), one certainly sees purple. There are many possibly colors for these gemstones depending on available wavelengths and lighting conditions.
purple garnet purple garnet
A - 4.13cts total weight matched pair of Purple Garnet. Incredible color, cutting, polish and hard to find shape!
(leogem-11-02p) Approximately 7.8mm $1,652 (shot under office fluorescent light with white paper to disperse light) We took this pair to a well know Graduate Gemologist (GIA) Appraiser outside of Boston for his opinion of the color. Using GIAs special system of color grading (GIA GemSet), he estimate of the color was rP 4/4, which means reddish Purple, Saturation and Tone of 4. To translate this even further, Medium LIght Moderately Strong Reddish Purple. The main color is Purple, with a modifier depending on the lighting that is used - the red component is lessened under fluorescent lights making it look more purple. He also noted that this color is not common and is highly sought. Note the other slightly larger pair is approximately the same color, but this photo used paper to disperse the light and the brilliance is not available unlike the larger pair described below that used a ring light allowing the sparkle.
Learm More about Color Grading: Color Grading
B - 4.68cts total weight matched pair Purple Garnet Incredible color, cutting, polish and hard to find shape!
(leogem-11-01p ) Approximately 8mm $1,638 (shot under office fluorescent light using a fluorescent light ring which shows more sparkle)
purple garnet
5.20cts total weight matche pair of Purple Garnet $2,080 (vlcl-11-02p )
imperial garnet
1.12ct Imperial Garnet with expected flat inclusions, body color, dichroic look, etc.
Measures: 6.96x4.97x3.44mm (gemshp-09-01) $400
This is what we call a calibrated gemstone and can easily be set into any ring that would take a 7x5mm emerald cut gemstone.
rhodolite garnet
A parcel of various shades of Rhodolite Garnet originating from East Africa. Average weight is 2.25cts - your choice at $300 each (eagt-90b-03)
rhodolite garnet
A nice medium Rose Pink Rhodolite from Africa, weighing 4.00cts. (eagt-90a-06) $400
imperial garnet
imperial garnet
Two Fancy Imperial Garnets from Africa. We are not sure what to call this material, as garnets can be comprised of many different elements and may not fall exactly into one garnet group. Many have characteristics of a few groups. There is some color shifting seen under different lights and the pear shape seems to show some red on the ends, like a dichroic gemstone, but garnet is not dichroic, so this is an interesting unique feature.. Whatever garnet group this belongs to, it is unique and we only have two to offer. The two photos above were with slightly different light sources. Under fluorescent lights, we believe that we could call the body color a medium orange with maybe some yellow. However one wants to describe them, we think that most people would say - Beautiful...
1.55ct Oval (minco-08-02a)
2.79ct Pear/Shield (minco-08-02B)
imperial garnet
imperial garnet
Two Imperial Garnets from Africa photographed under different lighting conditions. In the top photo, the oval had to be modified to show more of the real color. We would call the body color a dusty rose or beige color under fluoresecent and under incandescent light, the color turns to more of a pink . This is what we have seen in the past when we have had similar material. Note that this material is not common and can be quite costly. Larger pieces cost more and have the likelihood of having more black platelets. We choose these two pieces from maybe 10 or so pieces. They were chosen for not only color, but for cutting and clarity. They are eye clean and in louping them, we don' recall seeing any black platelets, but if they are hard to find and are there, it indidates natural origin and perhaps even the location from where they were found.
1.95ct Cushion (cf-08-01) $450/ct
2.28ct Oval (cf-08-02) SOLD!
large red garnet faceted by a master
Large 7.80ct faceted Pentagon Star shaped Ruby Red Garnet from Africa. Faceted by our Master Facetor, Stephen Kotlowski; photo taken by Stephen after completion. Difficult to photograph the brilliance or the color. Under most lights, one see a deep ruby red with sparkle and brilliance. May contain Chromium! 11.33x11.33x8.62mm (hv-05-04b) $1,560
rhodolite garnet
5.82 Rhodolite Garnet - large and a wonderful example. Approx Dimensions: 11.2x9.3x5.7mm (ravi-xx) $1,600

Chrome(?) Garnet - Ruby Color!

ruby red garnet ruby red garnet
A - Chrome-like Garnet Mod Square, 2.40ct approx 8.5x7.0x4.3mm $240
B - Chrome-like Garnet Oval, 1.62ct approx 8.1x6.1x4.3mm $162
Chrome-like Garnet
A new find of garnet that contains Chromium, just as Ruby does. This is simlar to the Chrome Pyrope from Arizona, called Anthill Garnet. Under fluorescent lights, the stone is not vibrant and has a slightly orangy overtone, but when under incandescent lights - the Glowing Ruby Red is evident. This material rarely is found in large sizes like this. The norm is about 4mm - this one is just under 8mm and it is U.S. Cut.
;ruby red garnet
2.30ct Chrome (?) Garnet - Modified ATG Elegante Cut U.S. faceted and a new off-shoot of the Elegante cut, faceted on the fly. Note that you can see the reflection of the tweezers on the highly polished surface of this gem. There is an inclusion on the underneath of the stone that can be seen when flipped over, but it doesn't seem to be noticeable from the top looking down. (hv-05-04c) 8.8x5.0x5.7mm $230

Learn More about the All That Glitters Elegante Design: < Elegante Design >

orange garnet
Orangy Trilliant Garnet, 1.11ct livlier than the photo shows $50
hessonite garnet
A - 2.66ct Hessonite Garnet Oval from Madagascar Incredible color and clarity! (aw-03-04) $865
B - 2.36ct Round Garnet, Garnet Group unknown, possibly Rhodolite, U.S. Cut - $236 (mjthre-96-06d))
rhodolite garnet
5.90ct Rhodolite Garnet of a wonderful deep raspberry color and cut; faceted in the U.S. The BEST Color! (mjthre-96-02a) $1,770
A - 3.48ct Rhodolite Garnet (East Africa) - $348
B - 7.72ct Malaia Garnet (Africa), modified pear shape, U.S. Faceted - $1158 (mm-00-01a)
orange garnet
rhodolite garnet
A - 0.88ct Pear Shaped Orangy Garnet from Brasil (601-20c-2) $50
B - 3.10ct Freeform Rhodolite Garnet, East Africa (eagt-90a-13) $217
rhodolite garnet
rhodolite garnet
A - 3.36ct Oval Peachy Pink Rhodolite Garnet, East Africa (eagt-90a-13) $235
B - 3.47ct Cushion Cut Rhodolite Garnet, East Africa (eagt-90a-13) $347

Garnets and Unsual Ones at That!.....
Mali Garnets - Large, Rare and Very Collectable!

Look! Nicely Colored Mali Garnets in larger sizes!!!!.... Not under 1ct, not under 1.5cts, not under 2.0cts, but over 2.0cts! Yes, unheard of.........

The dispersion (fire) is evident under the right lights. Due to the color, dispersion, size, etc. most of the trade would not recognize these are garnets! Note that the color is best described as Yellow with Green or Greenish Yellow. Note that there is no brown, black or orange in the stones - the camera can pick up different colors at times which the eye does not see..... This material is even more rare now as the rough is not being found.

yellow mali garnet
yellow mali garnet
yellow mali garnet
A - 1.04ct Portuguese Round Super Deep Yellow Mali (jadgal-04-02) $520
B - 1.63ct Oval Yellow Mali Garnet (jadgal-04-04) $896
C - 1.66ct Fancy Cushion Yellow Mali Garnet (jadgal-04-03) $913
Note: In B, the 1.63ct Oval, the camera is picking up other colors, but the body color is an even yellow. Also note that under the righ lights, this material shows wondeful dispersions, so green, red, orange flashes may be seen. How many people know that garnet comes in Yellow????
yellow mali garnet
yellow mali garnet
yellow mali garnet
yellow mali garnet
A - 1.84ct Oval Mali Garnet (chapr-04b-01f) $920
B - 1.97ct Oval Mali Garnet (chapr-04b-01b) $985
C - 2.08ct Oval Mali Garnet (chapr-04b-01c) $1040
D - 2.22ct Oval Mali Garnet (chapr-04a-01a) $1100
yellow mali garnet
yellow mali garnet
yellow mali garnet
A - 2.57ct Oval Mali Garnet (chapr-04b-01e) $1285
B - 2.58ct Oval Mali Garnet (chapr-04b-01d) $1290
C - 2.08ct Oval Mali Garnet (chapr-04a-01b) $1040
yellow mali garnet yellow mali garnet
A - 2.00ct Mali Garnet (chapr-04-06) $1000
B - 2.09ct Mali Garnet (chapr-04b-01a) $1045
yellow mali garnet
1.41ct Yellow Garnet Oval. This gem hails from Mali where this color usually originates. Much of this material belongs to the Andradite Garnet group and shows lots of fiire and dispersion. This is a decent sized gem for this material, is a nice yellow with no brown, sparkles nicely and does have a few inclusions which is also typical of this material. (coldia-06-01) $282 Priced to Move!

Visit our other Garnet Inventory Pages to view more photos of the Garnet Group:
Miscellaneous Garnets - May not displayed on the pages below
Color Change/Color Shifting Garnet
Mahenge (New Location/Colors Create Demand)
Spessartite (Orange)
Demantoid (Green Andradite)
Tsavorite (Green Grossular)
Imperial, Imperial Malaya, Champagne or similar

Note: Magnification and bright lighting is required to photograph gemstones.  Some inclusions may be visible under these circumstances. You are viewing photographs as if you were using a loupe or microscope - not your unaided eye.  Under normal conditions, these inclusions may not be visible.

Not responsible for mismatches of prices, photos, stocknumbers, etc.

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