Gemstones - Padparadscha (Pad) Sapphire

Padparadscha Sapphire, also known as Pad Sapphire, is an orangy-pink/pinkish orange color, and is one of the most rare and sought after colors in Sapphire. At All That Glitters, our goal has been to travel to the known gem producing country of Pad Sapphire (Sri Lanka - formerly Ceylon) to seek out and select the best in color, cutting, clarity and price. Tucson 2016 showed a few dealers who had the occasional Pad in stock, but they were typically what we had seen abroad - extremely shallow, no brilliance, light in saturation/color, eye visible inclusions, all at very high prices. We have chosen only the best available Pads to add to the All That Glitters inventory. All That Glitters Pad Sapphire will be of fine color, decently faceted/brilliant and therefore lively gems, typically eye clean and priced well. We believe that no other businesses can offer similar Padparadschas near the pricing we have established.

Many businesses will claim to have Pad Sapphires, and many small labs (especially abroad), will cert various colors (typically orange) Sapphires as Pads, but the color has to be an orangy-pink or pinkish-orange. Also, from what we have heard when making an inquiry of GIA, it seems that the tone as well as the saturation is taken into account - too light or deep in saturation will be a problem. Pink and Orange due to color zoning vs. true dichroism, would also disqualify the certification of a Pad.

Though we have Pad certs for a number of Sapphires as well as certs indicating the color as orangy-pink or pinkish-orange, we have sent Sapphires that we felt were truly Padparadschas to GIA for final say. So far, we have been 100% successful in chosing what we feel is a Pad and have received a Pad cert back. We have other orangy Sapphires that many would call Pad, and perhaps they would cert out as Pad, but we have not sent them in for certing at the present time.

To quote a small section of an article on Pad Sapphire that we found on-line:
Instantly recognisable for its pinkish-orange colour, the padparadscha is the rarest of all sapphires and arguably the most beautiful. Prices for non-heat-treated stones of a good quality can soar to more than $50,000 per carat, easily rivalling rubies and emeralds of the same size.

Enjoy the photos, information and the low pricing of our beautiful available Padparadscha Sapphires below.

rosey orange sapphire
1.46ct Rosey Orangy Sapphire. Very high chance it could cert as a Padparadscha. Dichroscope shows Orange and Pinkish colors. (Poor color rendition in photo) (awa-20-02) New Price $3,564
certed pad sapphire
Unheated 1.17ct Sapphire, certed as a Pad from foreign lab. (Poor color rendition in photo) Believe that we saw Purple and an Orangy color in the dichroscope. Though certed abroad as a Pad, we would just call this a uniquely colored Unheated Sapphire and at a good price for an Unheated Sapphire!....(emgex-20-01) $3510
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certed pad sapphire
Not the best photo, but the color is pretty accurate to what the eye sees. A a nice looking 1.64ct Pinkish Orange Sapphire, with a cert indicating it is a Padparadscha. Unheated. Some labs have more leeway on Pad certs and everyone wants a Pad because of the rarity and high price! Though the color is a pinkish orange and one does see both pink and orange when using a dichroscope, we feel that it would most likely cert as a Pad from GIA - but no guarantees. (emgex-20-01b) $4,264
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GIA Certed Orange Sapphire
1.50ct Very Lively Orange Sapphire (Certed). Many people, as well as labs, might call this a Padparadscha Sapphire, but it needs just a hint more pink. It is predominately orange. (awa-17-04) $7500
View GIA Cert
GIA Certed Unheated Padparadscha (PAD) Sapphire
1.13ct GIA Certed UNHEATED Padparadscha Sapphire (Orange Pink) Photos cannot capture the real color or beauty of this gemstone. (jwlqdi-17-01b) $7910
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GIA Certed Unheated Padparadscha (PAD) Sapphire
1.40ct GIA Certed UNHEATED Padparadscha Sapphire (Orange Pink). We did not capture the true color of this gem, and photos on the certs tend not to be very accurate either. Seeing in person is always the way to go....A very nice Pad, with some inclusions which are not visible to the naked eye. The inclusions help to identify it's natural origin as well as the fact that it is Unheated! (jwlqdi-17-01a) $11200
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GIA Certed Padparadscha (PAD) Sapphire
An incredibly beautiful, large, lively and colorful 1.61ct Oval GIA Certed Padparadscha Sapphire. Color is exactly what one expects for a true Pad, a pinkish orange, with the correct saturation without being too light or dark. A neony bright color that gets your attention immediately. A must for someone who wants an outstanding Genuine Padparadscha, certed by a well-respected Gem Lab; therefore, there is no question as to the identity of this particular gem! Unfortunately, the true beauty and color cannot be captured in a photo, but one has a hint of the sparkle/brilliance. (awa-17-01) $10,700
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pinkish orange 91pt gia certed pad sapphire
0.91ct Oval Sapphire - Pink with Orange Highlights - Certed Padparadscha. . (egaj-15-56) $3,878
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gia certed pad sapphire gia certed unheated pinkish orange pad sapphire
A - 1.16ct Pinkish Orange Padparadscha Sapphire (cushion). (kjcl-15a-03) $5800   -   GIA Cert
B - 1.60ct Unheated Orangy Pink Oval Padparadscha Sapphire. (egaj-15-59) $16000   -   View Cert / GIA Cert
gia certed pad sapphire
Certed 1.36ct Oval Padparadscha Sapphire. (egaj-15-83) $6,392   -   View Cert / GIA Cert
wonderful orangy pink gia certed pad sapphire
A very beautiful 1.64ct Oval Orangy-Pink Padparadscha Sapphire with lots of brilliance as can be seen in the photo. (kjcl-15a-10) $9840 - GIA Cert
unheated orange-pink gia certed 2.86ct pad sapphire
Unheated Large 2.86ct Oval Orange-Pink Sapphire - Certed as a Padparadscha (GIA). (egaj-15-70)
Price Upon Request.
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GIA Cert
orange-pink unheated gia certed 3.55ct pad sapphire
Large Unheated Orange-Pink GIA Certed Padparadscha 3.52ct Oval Sapphire. (egaj-15-81)
Price Upon Request.
View Cert
GIA Cert

We currently have a total of 7 Sapphire Pages you may wish to visit:
Sapphire 1
Sapphire 2
Sapphire 3
Sapphire 4
Padparadscha (Pad)
Montana Sapphire
Star Sapphire

Note: Magnification and bright lighting is required to photograph gemstones.  Some inclusions may be visible under these circumstances. You are viewing photographs as if you were using a loupe or microscope - not your unaided eye.  Under normal conditions, these inclusions may not be visible.

Not responsible for mismatches of prices, photos, stocknumbers, etc.

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NOTE - For those who must utilize PayPal, we can provide an invoice or have funds sent to a PayPal account we have access to. There will be a 3% charge for this service, which PayPal charges - regardless of whether the item is returned. This is PayPal's mandate as of October 2019 - the only payment application that we are aware of that will not return their fee if an item is returned. We no longer offer PayPal as a standard payment option...
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