Gemstones - Tourmaline

Since 1981, we have been bullish on Tourmaline due to the hardness, color range, size, rarity and low price. Over the past few years, larger and/or finer colors of Tourmaline have started selling for $1000+/ct on both the retail and wholesale markets. Higher priced material prior to this time frame was Paraiba Tourmaline (1989) and more recently, the deposits of the wonderfully colored Mozambique Tourmaline (2006 +/-) which has essentially disappeared from the market as the mine/locality has not been producing as it once had. (A small parcel of very fine Mozambique Tourmaline rough was offered to All That Glitters from the mine owner in 2013 at a value of $1,100,000.)

This 3.12ct Round Tourmaline hails from a very important source in Blue Green Tourmaline - Namibia. This country has produced some incredible colors and gems, including this one. The photo does not do this justice - the color is essentially a deep green with hints/flashes of blue. Another must see KILLER gem in person in order to truly appreciate! (agc-24-01) $3120
large orangy mozambique tourmaline
This was a find! A Very Large Orangy Tourmaline from Mozambique, whose cutting and polish will dazzle your eyes from the internals in this gem to the mirror surface. Surprised to see such a large clean well cut gemstone in Tourmaline now-a-days. The rough for something like this is difficult to find, not to mention the crazy prices seen out there. Therefore this 15.96ct spectacular Tourmaline is underpriced in todays market. (afgem-24-01) $11,970
orangy congo tourmaline
A nice bright light orange Congo Tourmaline, round, 1.50ct. Lively and has the look of Precious Topaz. (ggl-23-01) $450
Found buried in our vaults are a few Watermelon Tourmaline Slices that we purchased while treking through Brasil years ago. These were very popular at shows that were opened to the public and we were even setting this pieces into custom pendants. This piece weighs 7.54cts and is price at only $200 - still in the ball park of what they were selling for all those years ago! (Color rendition varies depending on what device one is viewing photos/videos on - the center of this slice is a very bright pink!)
Here is an oldie but goody and this stone has a similar one associated with it and could be used as a pair of earrings (the one not pictured weighs 2.35cts and differs in dimension ever so slightly, but fine for earrings). This clear stubby pear-shaped 2.68ct Tourmaline hails from Brazil. It was faceted by a Brazilian Cutter (young woman) who was living in LA at the time in the 1980s. Very white, clear, brilliant, clean - something different. (ncco-90-03e) $539.
large tourmaline of a lively green with mint highlights
This was a VERY Lucky Find! With prices of fine quality rough in Tourmaline and other species, it has become unaffordable for anything on the larger side. We encountered this beauty unexpectedly, as it was already faceted with a nice polish and literally caught our attention when in a case with minerals, as well as a small terminated crystal of similar color. The crystal itself would cut a smaller gemstone than this already faceted Tourmaline, and the price for the crystal was the price of the faceted Tourmaline. The color of the faceted gemstone was glowing whether it was indoor or diffused daylight. Since the gem was clean, had a good polish, well cut and priced below what one would normally expect, this had to be added to the All That Glitters inventory. Some lucky store, goldsmith or person will get a steal on this when purchased.... We would describe this Tourmaline as a cushion, weighing 11.30cts(!), of a bright medium lizard green with hints of mint or light blue. Using a dichroscope on this gemstone, one can see both green and a light blue. The main body color is a glowing green with flashes/highlights of light blue or mint. The photo of the piece of rough is a similarly colored piece so you can have an idea of the color of the C and A/B axes. Mined in the Kunar Valley, Afghanistan, which has been producing Tourmaline since about the 1980s. Fine Tourmaline has been steadily increasing in price; Maine Tourmaline of a few carats is seeing retail prices of $1000/ct. This gem is well priced when considering that the rough is difficult to obtain and anything of size is incredibly costly. Inquire for Pricing. (srgi-20-01)
large glowing magenta rubellite tourmaline trilliant
What a Gemstone! Simply a STUNNING GEM! Color is best described as a Magenta Rubellite which Glows Cherry Red! This is old material from the 1990s discovery of pink Tourmaline from Nigeria. Very few pieces from that find had this color and it can truly be described as glowing. The cut is very brilliant, so not only do you have have a glowing variation of red, but the brilliance from the cutting and proper angles form the superb cutting. This 7.02ct "gem" was faceted by a well-known award winning cutter and some of his work is displayed in a museum collection. (ggc-19-02) $10,530
fine orange tourmaline
An African True Orange Tourmaline weighing 7.73cts! Rough was hand-selected by the owner of All That Glitters and faceted in the U.S. A super orange color, very lively and a larger gemstone for Tourmaline now-a-days. The price for many colors of Tourmaline is approaching $1000/ct wholesale, and when discussing retail pricing, the prices are certainly there already! Only $500/ct. (vyg-18a-nr) $3,865
unique tourmaline slice unique 'watermelon' tourmaline slice
A - 11.22ct Tourmaline Sllice. Unique colors and unique habit due to the fact that a crystal seems to have grown with various colors and then it was incorporated by overgrowth or another crystal. (kimpx-17-01b) $450
B - Another unique Tourmaline Slice. Intially looks like a watermelon slice, but look closer. It seems to initially be a watermelon crystal growing within another crystal or a watermelon crystal with overgrowth as the pocket composition changed. BUT, it also seems to be an inverse watermelon or perhaps it is a slightly different watermelon slice with overgrowth. A watermelon slice within a watermelon slice? Nature can be very confusing at times, creating some very beautiful and unique items. 15.09ct (kimpx-17-01a) $500
blue green tourmaline US cut
3.84ct Tourmaline believed to be from Afghanistan and faceted in the U.S. by one of our cutters. A nice green blue or blue green depending on lights and large carat weight. (jeg-17-01) $1,344
neon green US faceted tourmaline
2.72ct Neony Green Square Radiant U.S. Cut Tourmaline. Origin is Morogoro, Tanzania. Some inclusions as it expected in this color, but brilliance tends to hide them. $1,768 (ctmc-17b-02)
large concave cut chrome tourmaline
large concave cut chrome tourmaline
A gorgeous glowing green concave cut 4.99ct pear shaped Chrome Tourmaline. Large for Chrome Tourmaline and a great shape for a ring, pendant and more. The first photo was taken using a light ring which provides consistent illumination and the second photo is just under office fluorescent lights. The saturated color of the second photo is more of what the eye sees, being a rich what we would call, chrome green. True Chrome Tourmaline is not that common and larger gemstones in this size are even less common. Based on what we've seen as well as our cutter as far as wholesale pricing of Chrome Tourmalines of this size and smaller, we would expect the price for this size in a retail store to be about $1,500ct - and for a unique gemstone which is concave cut and by an AGTA Cutting Competition multi-award winner, this price would be low and would be expected to be actually much higher. The rough for this piece was very similar to rough we gave to Dalan Hargrave, with which he created a 5.05ct finished gemstone in his Starlight Cut. The pear shape pictured here is approximately 13.17x10.15ex6.33mm. (then-16-02b) $4,491
(This Faceted Chrome Tourmaline is a great value due to size, color, clarity and cutting which was done by an expert with award winning cutting skills/talent.)
nuristani blue green concave cut tourmaline
2.65ct Green Blue Tourmaline, concave faceted. You can see the dichroic property of Tourmaline, showing a nice light blue and a deep green on the different axes. This was shot with a fluorescent ring light and though there is sparkle/brilliance when this gemstone is viewed, the color saturation is deeper/darker than the photo. Should this gemstone not be what the new owner was expecting or likes, we have our unique 10 Day Return Policy (for any reason) as well as our Life Time Guarantee. (nrstngm-97a-4) $1,590
pink tourmaline 'eye' from burma
This material occasionally is seen in the market - in this case, it is pink tourmaline (Burmese) which gives the appearance of an eye. (mnrk-16-05) $275
greenish-blue to blue concave faceted tourmaline
Blue Tourmaline with some green highlights, emerald shape weighing 3.44cts from Nuristan, hand carved by our cutter. (nrstngm-97a-3) $3,096
blue green trilliant tourmaline from namibia
A 2.39ct trilliant blue-green/green-blue Tourmaline from Namibia. Trilliants, when properly faceted, provide a bigger bang for the buck as they say, as the surface area and size of the gemstone look far larger than the actual carat weight. This color is a blue-green, with more hints of blue depending on the lights as we believe the side axis is more blue. It certainly is brilliant, clean and just a beautiful gem. We did look at perhaps 10,000 or more gemstones during our recent trip abroad, and this is the only Tourmaline that was purchased. We purchased approximately 1% of all the gemstones that were viewed during our 30 day trip - this is one of those we deemed to have the characterstics of gemstones that we seek for inventory. (kjcl-15a-13) $1,912
More Gems from the Vault
30+ years old! Priced to Move at mid-1980s Pricing...
Tourmaline, 2 pieces totaling 3.44cts (gem-31-09) $275
Tourmaline parcel, 7 pieces weighing 3.70cts, Blue, Blue/Green (gem-31-06) $445
Parcel of Bicolor Brasilian Tourmaline, 9 pieces weighing 8.92cts (amf-03) $714
Two Trilliant Tourmalines of a deep pink, reddish color, weighing a total of 1.06cts. Decades old and originated in Brasil during one of our initial trips.
A Brasilian Bicolor Tourmaline (3.05cts), with a greenish color in the upper left hand corner as well as on the right hand side. As expected, this has inclusions as most do in this color and timeframe. Decades old and originated in Brasil during one of our initial trips. $300
A nice Golden Yellow Color of Tourmaline, weighing 1.93cts faceted by our cutters. The photo doesn't capture the true color. We have seen similar material in Tucson selling for very high numbers, with some calling it Canary Tourmaline. Under magnification, you can see a veil; in one corner a rainbow interference pattern can be seen when the light is just right. Offered at a great price - $ 579; (unk-13-01)
1.58ct Namibian Blue Tourmaline, well cut, clean. Color is a wonderful blue color and will be brighter under some lights. (jdbkk-12-01) Only $1,106
Matched Pair of Nuristani Tourmalines faceted by our cutters from rough that is about 15 years old. Small inclusions but not really visible with the unaided eye. Typical of this material. Tourmaline or gemstones from this area is and has been in short supply. This material was brought down from the high elevations via mountain men using pack mules decades ago. This is a good matched pair of Tourmaline for earrings or similar use. The main body color is a blue, and the ends show green - pretty typical for this color, this locality and for Tourmaline in general due to the dichroic property of this gemstone. The right hand gem of the right hand photo shows more blue because of the angle, as compared to its match on the left. Again, this is a good match, and one will see blue and green depending on the viewing angle as well as when the gems move. Total carat weight for the pair is 4.47cts. (norgem-98b-1b)
Initial Public Offering Price of $2,458 for the pair
Pink Tourmaline from the Stewart Lithia Mine, California
We were lucky enough to find some rough Tourmaline from this famous mine. People we were visiting had bought some large parcels of this material that was unearthed decades ago by a miner who in now in his 90s. (We later learned that the miner was the well known and respected Ed Swoboa!) We have never had a California Tourmaline in inventory before, but know how collectible and sought after it can be, and the high prices we have seen it sell for, even with lots of inclusions! Buying it from the current source was too tempting as this material hadn't seen the light of day for maybe 50 years, so we had to choose two of the nicest pieces and facet them for our customers!
stewart mine tourmaline rough
Left hand rough above produced the emerald cut below Right hand rough above produced the oval cut below
stewart mine tourmaline stewart mine tourmaline
A - 5.05ct Bright Deep Pink U.S. Faceted Tourmaline from the Famous Stewart Lithia Mine in California. Unlike many pieces seen from this locality, the color is really deep and it doesn't have as many inclusions and it is US Cutting! With 2x glasses, the inclusions seen in the closeup photography in the above photo, is not apparent. This is also a case where inclusions can help identify natural origin as well as perhaps the location in the future. $2,778 (ovml-12-04a)
B - Another Faceted Tourmaline from the Famous Stewart Lithia Mine. It is a pale pink and also facetd here in the U.S. It does have inclusions as one can see, but it is priced at a very affordable price per carat considering the size, cutting, locality, etc. $482 for this large 4.82ct Stewart Tourmaline. Note the color is better than that shown in the photos - has the look of Pink Ice or a nice light pink Sapphire that we sold to a dealer a few years ago. (ovml-12-04b)
Here is a nice 4.88ct Orangy Round Tourmaline from a fairly new find in Africa, recently faceted by one of our U.S. Cutters. It does have inclusions, but due to the faceting, the brilliance of this gem tends to dazzle the eye and hide the issues. (You can see one of the inclusions at 1 o'clock. If one sees this as a detraction, this is a great area to place a prong and the inclusion will disappear!) Again, with the All That Glitters Satisfaction Guarantee, if you do not like it for any reason, it can be returned within 10 Days! (We have seen colors that were not as pure as this from dealers in Africa and the wholesale price was hundreds per carat - making this another bargain for its size, color, cutting, shape and price....) (pgit-12-01) $1,464
tourmaline tourmaline
A Blue-Green Bicolor Tourmaline! Intially, ones impression will be a green or blue color, but when one looks closer, it becomes obvious it is very much a bicolor! This unique piece weighs 2.28ct and has a pleasing elongated cushion shape. (ed-89-04) $1,254
2.94ct Round U.S. faceted Nigerian Tourmaline of a Fuchsia color. Approx 8.8x6.9mm (precgem-99-1j) $1,176
A 56.35ct Tourmaline Slice of Clear, Various Greens and Black - mercedes symbol internally? Possible, this came from the country known for this - Madagascar. Another very unique natural gemstone! You can see some stress lines in areas where there is a color change which is typical in Tourmaline Slices (this includes Watermelon Slices and Bicolors). It has not been repaired and should be fine unless dropped on a hard surface - but that is true of even diamonds! Approximately 29.93x29.29x5.37mm (madgem-10-01b) $949
Incredible Blue Tourmaline from Brasil - This is what INDICOLITE should look like!
indicolite tourmaline
2.89ct Oval Blue Tourmaline Oval (vstgm-10-03a) $3,468
Color is reminiscent of our Super Blue Zircon!
The color is incredible!
(A similarly colored matched pair was sold to a dealer in Slovakia for a special project!)

We currently have 10 Tourmaline Related Pages you may wish to visit:
Tourmaline 1
Tourmaline 2
Tourmaline 3
Tourmaline 4
Tourmaline 5
Mozambique (Various Colors) - May Contain Cuprian Examples
Mozambique (Purple) - May Contain Cuprian Examples

Note: Magnification and bright lighting is required to photograph gemstones.  Some inclusions may be visible under these circumstances. You are viewing photographs as if you were using a loupe or microscope - not your unaided eye.  Under normal conditions, these inclusions may not be visible.

Not responsible for mismatches of prices, photos, stocknumbers, etc.

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