Oregon Sunstone and Phenonmenal Sunstone (Stars and Cat's Eyes) from Tanzania
Oregon Sunstone
One of the few gemstones from the United States, Oregon Sunstone is found in the high desert areas in Oregon.
The main body colors of this gemstone can be clear, straw,
yellowish, orangy, reddish to even green which is fairly
rare. Some pieces may actually contain more than one
color, to the point where it looks like watermelon, with
green, red and clear. Some gems can be found with schiller (copper platelets)
which add an interesting feature/glitter to this gemstone.
In our most recent trip to visit our associates who own some of the mining areas in the high deserts of
Oregon, we showed them a few of our uniquely faceted and hand grooved Oregon Sunstones and wanted an opinion on the expected wholesale
price of our pieces since they deal with the material on a daily basis and know what is unique, not common or common, size, color
varietes, etc. We learned that some of our priced Oregon Sunstones were about 1/3rd of the expected wholesale all the way up to
being simply wholesale. In one of the cases, one of the pieces that had lots of schiller and a hint of green on the side, we were
told that this should sell for between $300-$350/ct - wholesale. We are going to leave our price of $100/ct on this particular piece
just due to the fact that we think that figure quoted is high considering what the final gem cost us in total - though we have to admit,
that we are not including our costs of travel, stay, etc. in those numbers.... Enjoy the Savings!
For those purchasing our Oregon Sunstone, we have the following offer with each purchase, based on the size
of the Oregon Sunstone purchased:
1ct to 5cts - Receive 25 carats of Rough Mine Run Oregon Sunstone
5cts to 10cts - Receive 50 carats of Rough Mine Run Oregon Sunstone
10+cts and up - Receive 100 carats of Rough Mine Run Oregon Sunstone
NOTE - Typical yield when faceted is about 20%; Tumbling is a great way also to polish this material with essentially little weight loss.
A - A nice deep orange Oregon Sunstone weighing 2.44cts with Schiller. (demco-20-01a) $488
B - A 4.95ct Oval Orangy Oregon Sunstone showing not only Schiller, but this other internal inclusion that seems to be
a void that has a flat crystal, possibly a large piece of Copper Schiller, that catches the light and shines! When the stone is backlit under a
microscope, the crystal appears black. This is one of those unique inclusions that GIA's Lab would most likely like to view and study and
publish in their Gems & Gemology Magazine. This gemstones would be desirable for someone who would like an American Gemstone, perhaps an Oregon Sunstone
that has not only schiller, but also this unique crystal!... (demco-21-01e) $866
Perhaps the Finest RED Oregon Sunstone that we have ever had in our inventory since we started our association with Oregon Sunstone
Claim Holders in 2007. It does have the much sought after Schiller in various places within this gem and you can see some of this on the left hand
side in the photo. This is also a large piece (9.47cts!) for this color or a fine Oregon Sunstone in general. (demco-21-01c) $3780 (Below the wholesale cost in 2016!)
This is the Largest and Deepest Colored Oregon Sunstone that we have ever had in inventory or have faceted from rough that we have obtained.
This is an orangy red and weighs 20cts! (Yup, 20cts of Luscious Orangy Red Oregon Sunstone!) Slightly sleepy due to the Schiller found throughout, but as
you can see, the photo seems to show it off fairly well - the video is not the best, but we wanted to include it. (demco-21-01a) $7000
(Below the wholesale cost in 2016!)
A nice light coppery color of Oregon Sunstone with wisps of Schiller. Shape is
what we would call an arrowhead and the weight is 4.85cts. (demco-21-01f) $728
8.06ct Kite Shaped Oregon Sunstone, lively and in a light yellow, straw color. (sunor-24-01) $807
This incredibly unique Oregon Suntone was faceted/hand-grooved by one of our Cutting Specialists
and weighs in at a very nice 11.47cts. Image shows the body color under two different light sources - there
is Copper Schiller which does add color to this piece and in the detailed photo above, you can see the grooves
literally have a Copper-look and that is the Copper Schiller reflecting from these polished areas! (demco-21-01d)
An Incredibly Beautiful Precision Cut 8.47ct Oregon Sunstone faceted by the Owner of All That Glitters - L. Allen Brown. Rough hails from the
famous Dust Devil Mine. Initial 36+ct piece of rough was trimmed and preformed (yield was 23% - typical expectation is only 20%) - see image below. Body color seemed to be
clear to the standard champagne frequently seen from this locality. There was a spot of color to the side - and depending on the axis
it was viewed on, it was either a green or a blush color, due to the fact that Sunstone is dichroic and one can frequently expect to see
a red or green from this locality depending on how it is viewed. There was some haziness perhaps around this color zone, possibly being some
Copper Schiller, but it wasn't obvious. As the gemstone was being faceted, at the prepolish stage, one could see that Schiller was definitely
present and it was unknown if this would be a plus or perhaps running across the gem in a way that would hinder the brilliance and interfer with
the beauty of the finished gem. After the final polish and soaking off the dopping material, the finished gemstone is incredibly
beautiful and brilliant. Many surprises are present - the body color seems to be Champagne but because of that small color dot on the side, one
can see Green as well as some Blush, and possibly a Copper color coming from the Schiller(??). The gem seems to color shift depending on the lights,
going from various body colors - under office fluorescent lights, it appears to be a yellow green, but one can see more of a blush or even beige under
different lights/wavelengths. Whatever light it is under, the 100k Diamond Polish displays a mirror-like surface and
it is very brilliant - as it is turned/tilted, various colors flash around this piece. Though it has Schiller, it is hidden at the angle at which it grew, with
respect to the table. This is one of those gemstones that one must see in person and under various lights as the photo and the video just doesn't do the
various colors justice as the eye sees something far more interesting than what the camera has captured! Shape is a Shield with a Brilliant bottom which is why it sparkles
so much. Thanks to Peter Torraca for providing the design. Photos displayed here include the finished gemstone; the video; the rough; beginning to facet the crown;
initial crown facets are roughed in; and pre-polish is complete and schiller can be seen under the bright light. (dd-21-01a) $1,270
Large Light Yellow OREGON Sunstone weighing 35.42cts and measuring 26.1x25.5x11.1mm! Hand Grooved by one of our
expert cutters using this technique. This gemstone has been in a cutters possession for 2.5 years... The first well known
multi-award winning cutter indicated this this piece and another important OR Sunstone would be completed in about 6 months - but after hearing that
he was going to start it shortly, numerous times over a two year timeframe, we called for it back in November of 2020 and it was sent to
one of his previous students who is now creating wonderful pieces himself. After another 6 months of waiting, this beauty came back.
Worth the wait - a complicated piece that also incorporates an optical dish/bubble in the center. Note that the rough was a light yellow but in the
very center was a light blush color. This can be still seen, but it is faint - the design in the very center varies from the surrounding area and
attempts to accent and delineate this blush color. As in many gems, a slight difference in light will cause a shift in color as can be seen between the photo
and the video. The Wholesale Guide for Oregon Sunstone, 2016, shows a Champagne Color selling at $100/ct for 20+cts.
Champagne is the term some of the miners/dealers call the light yellow. Note that this price of $100/ct is for standard flat faceting - NOT fancy cutting as in the case of this piece.
Unique cutting, concaving, grooving, sculpting, carving, etc. is much more. (demco-18-01) Only $150/ct. $5,313
Screen Grab below is from Wholesale Guide Specifically for Oregon Sunstone (2016 edition) showing added value for specialty cutting -
"Carvings are priced at 50% to 80% of the above pricing grid. Variables include color, size, intricacy of carving and artist"
Large Orangy Copper Colored OREGON Sunstone weighing 38.35cts and measuring 35.4x13.0x9.6mm! Hand Grooved by one of our
expert cutters using this technique. This gemstone has been in a cutters possession for 2.5 years... The first well known
multi-award winning cutter indicated this this piece and another important OR Sunstone would be completed in about 6 months - but after hearing that
he was going to start it shortly, numerous times over a two year timeframe, we called for it back in November of 2020 and it was sent to
one of his previous students who is now creating wonderful pieces himself. A slightly sleepy stone possibly due to fine schiller; as it is tilted
under lights, there will be glints of schilller noted as seen in the photo - parallel bands can be seen as this gem rotates in the video.
The original piece of rough, like many Oregon Sunstones, had a clear rind, with a bit of green, going to the copper/orangy color.
One can see some clear or very light green when the stone is tilted and at the right angle; otherwise, face up it is that familiar color of copper or orange that many know
as Oregon Sunstone! For someone who wants a Large Oregon Sunstone, in an interesting shape
and that has been faceted and grooved for uniqueness - and at an incredibly good price, this fits the bill and more!
The Wholesale Guide for Oregon Sunstone, 2016, shows this color with schiller selling at $100/ct to $150+/ct for 20+cts.
Note that this price is for standard flat faceting - NOT fancy cutting as in the case of this piece. Unique cutting, concaving,
grooving, sculpting, carving, etc. is much more. Though this rough was costly as well as the special custom cutting, we can provide a wonderful price on this piece.
Also, we obtained a verbal price of approx $150/ct wholesale from two different people who own claims and mine Sunstone.
demco-18-02) Priced at only $175/ct - $5,753.
Screen Grab below is from Wholesale Guide Specifically for Oregon Sunstone (2016 edition) showing added value for specialty cutting -
"Carvings are priced at 50% to 80% of the above pricing grid. Variables include color, size, intricacy of carving and artist"
Oregon Sunstone, Hand Grooved in the U.S. weighing 5.97cts in an interesting elongated octagon shape.
Color is bright orange red to more red under incandescent light. Copper schiller can be seen when at the right angle.
A unique piece all around. (demco-20-01b) $1,791
A wonderful uniquely shaped Oregon Sunstone weighing 7.61cts, which we would call a Spear Point. Hand Grooved by one of our
U.S. Lapidary Experts. Very center is red, going to a more subdued copper, with some green on the outside edge as well as
clear. We can see this as a very beautiful custom pendant! (demco-20-01g) $1,712
This 16.76ct is the largest faceted/grooved Oregon Sunstone we have had in the All That Glitters inventory in four decades, and like
all of our Oregon Sunstone, it was faceted from All That Glitters hand-chosen rough. Hand Grooved by our U.S. cutter
specializing in this cutting style. Color could be described as a cinnamon with orange and red highlights under incandescent light.
Has some schiller in the very center and one on the side, as can be seen in the video, but for the most part it is not
visible when looking down at the table. (demco-20-01h) $4,190
3.54ct Oregon Sunstone in an interesting Opposed Bar Lozenge Shape showing 3 different
colors - clear, green and blush rose. Faceted in the U.S. by one of our cutters from All That Glitters rough.
There is a small reflector near a top edge that is not all that visible but it can be hidden if this gem is
bezel or prong set. In daylight, the distinct colors are dramatic and there is a beautiful teal green in some areas.
(We wanted to share the second photo as it clearly shows the interesting coloration when the gemstone is
tipped on the side!) (lh-20-01) A great price at only $620.
This is a very interesting piece for a few reasons. The cutter had indicated that two of the
Oregon Sunstones he faceted from our rough were red; but it really depends on the wavelengths and type of light that the
gemstone is viewed under! This 6.59ct Cushion Cut Oregon Sunstone appears to be a copper/orangy color under some
lights, but certainly appears more red under the lights in the lightbox where the video was shot; since we have a few
light sources available in the light box, we shot the video showing the copper/orange color, but the photo was
grabbed from another video where one of the other light sources was used. Though the red is very attractive, this appears
to be a color shifting gem and unless those lights are available, it will look more like what one sees more commonly in
Oregon Sustone - an orangy, rust or copper color. Though Sunstone rough from this locality frequently has a vivid red center, when faceted the gemstone
frequently looks more orange than red. In all the years in this business, we have seen very few pure ruby red Oregon Sunstones.
This particular gem also shows some other colors along the outside edge as it is moved around - adding
even more interest. (demco-20-01d) $1,977
The rough of this Oregon Sunstone piece contained both a pale minty green and blush rose. Our U.S. cutter of
this rough managed to not only maintain a greenish body color (vaseline green), but there are a number of other colors that dance around as
the gemstone is moved while being viewed. You can see the blush rose color as the gem rotates in the video. Obtaining accurate
color rendition in the photos or even the video is difficult, but this gemstone has lots of life and it is a unique color; the other
highlights just add to it's appeal. This large 7.22ct square would be perfect for someone seeking a nice looking, well cut, unique Oregon
Sunstone...this would fit their wishlist. (decmo-20-01c) $2,166
We had no idea what this piece would look like when completed, but is was a large sized piece of rough
and had not only color (clear, blush, green) but copper schiller too. There were discussions of whether this should be carved to
bring out the schiller and colors - this could still be done if someone wanted a more interesting design; a good deal of the work has
been done and one can readily see into the gemstone so there is no guess work on what is there... This 16.07ct Freeform Parallelogram
was again faceted in the U.S. from our rough. We have taken two photos attempting to show the colors and non-reflecting schiller
in the first photo; the second photo was taken from the other side of the gemstone and flipped around and essentially in darkness
(the lights in the lightbox were not turned on and the only light was from a window about 5ft away - but that light shows
the reflection of the schiller...) One can set it into a piece of jewelry as is, re-work it if desired, or have an example of typical
Oregon Sunstone (from the Plush Area) showing not only the colors but the copper schiller that Oregon Sunstone is known for...
As one can probably guess, this is a give-a-way based on the fact it's faceted in the U.S., the large size of the piece and the cost of rough....
(demco-20-01f) $1,607 (This is the piece that was said to be about $300-$350/ct wholesale, which shocked us, but miner/cutter who is in the know
loved the large amount of schiller and the splash of green on the side - green always increases the price...)
Oregon Sunstone (4.60cts) in the Custom Elegante Design!
Faceted by the owner of All That Glitters, this is a custom cut called "Elegante" developed back in about 2004 by the cutter
and based on other similar designs, but with a different distinct top and small table. Photo doesn't do the sparkle or color justice.
Depending on the lights, it is a lemon yellow to a sort of champagne color. There is a splash of pink when looking down the long axis,
that also perhaps adds to the color. (dd-atg-18-01) $690
Learn More about the All That Glitters Elegante Design: < Elegante Design >
Uniquely Faceted (U.S.) Oregon Watermelon Sunstone weighing 8.47cts. Sunstone Butte Mine, Oregon. Photos show the finished gem,
a side view after being cut showing the many colors, the trimmed piece of rough for study prior to beginning the cutting,
and the rough itself. As expected, the colors did mix but more than we had hoped - as one tips the gem, one can see different colors
which separate and flash. This is a darker gem with a lively lighter colored top. Faceted by an award winning cutter, this piece is
being offered in the ball park of the cost of the rough and the cutting - we had hoped for more color separation, but one never knows
how things will turn out until the gem is completed, removed from the dop and cleaned. (da-17-01) Only $1400
Dalan Hargrave Carved/Sculpted Oregon Sunstone with Heavy Schiller
49+ct Oregon Sunstone from the high desert area of Plush, Oregon. Mined by All That Glitters in 2009.
Large piece of rough with very heavy schiller, which is not common. Carved/Sculpted by the multi-award winning Dalan Hargrave.
Another fine work of lapidary art by Dalan. Photos above represent tilting the work of art to show off the schiller or showing the
copper platelets that cause the copper/gold reflections. The original piece of rough is the last photo. Clicking on any of the photos
above will open a new page with an enlarged version of the photo. Another unique U.S. Gemstone from All That Glitters and a
Texas-based Lapidary Artist. (dd-17-01)
We are offering this piece at approximately 20% BELOW the calculated wholesale price
(based on a wholesale guide created by those directly involved in activing mining and selling of
Oregon Sunstone over decades). For those considering this unqiue and beautiful purchase,
we are willing to share the wholesale list, as well as our calculations to show how we arrived at our pricing.
For a retail markup, we anticipate the price to be up to 100% more. Our goal has been to provide our customers
exquisite fine quality colored gemstones at the best price possible. With four decades in the gem trade,
access to the source for rough and cut gemstones, as well as to many award-winning facetors/artists,
allows All That Glitters to offer unexpectedly low pricing on most of our inventory. Contact us for a price quote!
7.21ct Custom Carved Oregon Sunstone with HEAVY Copper Schiller. This piece just shines with
reflections from the copper schiller in the light. Unique shape will allow designers to create a wonderful piece - there is no
other piece on the market currently or in the past, which would be similar.
A True One-of-a-Kind! (dd-16-04) $721
Oregon Sunstone, 3.37ct - Stunning Shape with really nice orange color. Photos are of the same gemstone, just rotated 90 degress to
show the various play of light/color that one may see. (dd-16-01) $1,348
Oregon Sunstone weighing 4.37cts - unique curved shape which could be described as a crescent. Will allow some interesting
designs for custom jewelry! Photos show the gemstone in two different positions - think it would be unique to set with the long axis running
up/down vs. across as show in the photos....but anything is possible! Photos don't do the gemstone/shape justice. (dd-16-02) $1,311
14.36ct Oregon Sunstone - Custom
Original Rough!
This unique piece was created using facets, sculpting as
well as optical dishes.. A super interesting piece for
someone who wants something unique - reminiscent of Munsteiner, Dyber and
others! This is exactly what one expects from an Oregon Sunstone - one sees
a red surrounded by clear, and of course, what many look for - Schiller
(copper platelets). You can see all of this in the photos above - a
variation of red, clear, and schiller in parallel lines. (osi-08-01) $2,154
An incredible price if one considers the cost to facet/create this, the size, the uniqueness,
The Oregon Sunstone Rough shown above produced the faceted gemstones
you see below. One can get a good idea of some of the waste of the original
rough, as one can see the trim marks where a diamond saw blade will remove
cracks, inclusions and areas that are not desired in the finished faceted
gemstone. The typical yield that we use when estimating a finished gemstone
is 20% - meaning that 80% of the rough that is paid for, is literally
trimmed and ground away. Note that the rough piece on the left produced the
gemstone in the photo you see below. You can see some of the
glittering schiller in the piece of rough. The green outline (watermelon)
was removed so as not to mix the green with the reddish orange, as there
was a high likelihood that this would muddy the color and the final
gemstone would not be the nice pure color you see below!
A Very Large Natural 9.93ct
Oregon Sunstone, mined in 2009 and faceted in the U.S. by our Supreme Master
Gem Cutter - Stephen Kotlowski. This is a dusty orange under office fluorescent lights, but a
bright orange under lights such as incandesents. There is a decent amount
of schiller without being overpowered by schiller. It causes a slight
sleepiness which is very common in these gems with schiller. It is still
bright, it certainly glitters internally and externally (our Master Cutter
is responsible for the high polish!) and is a wonderful example of a large
orangy Natural Oregon Sunstone! 12.45x11.35x10.60mm (dd-09b-02) $3,972
Note - Production this year, 2009, has been quite low due to mechanized
mining failures. Problems continue to plague the
complicated mechanisms which must all act as one unit. We were only one of
two that were allowed to view this rough and make a selection. The owner of
All That Glitters personally chose these two pieces of rough from this very
limited selection.
A - 3.12ct Natural Oregon Sunstone, mined in October 2008
and faceted in the U.S. Some schiller, best seen from the side. A beige or
light apricot color; some may call it a Topaz color. (dd-09a-02) $312
B - A large ROUND 4.56ct Natural Oregon Sunstone, also
mined in October 2008 and faceted in the U.S. Not seen very often in larger
rounds. The color is similar in descripton to the oval. Interesting pattern
which gives the design a slight swirl - LOTS of sparkle. (dd-09a-03)
A nicely
colored 3.78ct Natural Oregon Sunstone, mined in October 2008 and faceted
in the U.S. As is typical with the reds, it is surrounded by a field of
clear. With the stone tipped on the side, one can clearing see this, as
well as an inclusion which runs parallel to the length. Depending on the
viewing angle, one can see some of this abscense of color on the side, and
the inclusion is not all that readily visible. (dd-09a-01) $567
Sunstone (Phenomenal - Star and Cat's Eyes) From Tanzania
16.90cts of Tanzanian Sunstone (not exactly matched and can
be purchased separately) with a wonderful color and a faint/medium 4-ray
stay present. This material was written up in an article by Morgan Beard
and is very collectable. You can see the internal fibers that make up the
stars. The body color is gold... (7.69ct and 9.21ct) (mj3inc-04-04p) $60/ct
(A great price for this fine quality material!)
3 cabs of Tanzanian Sunstone weighing 14.65cts. The middle
stone shows a weak 4 ray star, and the left hand/right hand cab show a
fairly distinct cats-eye! These gemstones can be purchased separately.
Photo on the left was taken with a pen light to act as the lighting source
to show off the phenomenon. (3.72ct, 3.66ct, 7.27ct) (mj3inc-04-04p) $60/ct
(A great price for this fine quality material!) NOTE - the 3.72ct is SOLD!
Same 3 cabs under office fluorescent lights with no over
head pin point light source; therefore, no cats-eye or star.
Note: Magnification and bright lighting is required to
photograph gemstones. Some inclusions may be visible
under these circumstances. You are viewing photographs as
if you were using a loupe or microscope - not your unaided eye.
Under normal conditions, these inclusions may not be
Not responsible for mismatches of prices, photos, stocknumbers, etc.
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